Have you ever felt void of inspiration and productivity? That is how my last couple weeks have been. My days of being a stay at home mom are pretty much over. The kids are in college and God has been leading me in a new direction. But the steps in getting there have left me a bit overwhelmed. So I have stayed home, directionless, feeling like a flower that is withering, slowly browning at the edges and starting to droop If my desire is to bloom, to produce beauty and fragrance, what do I do?
I need to stay connected to Christ. “I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in me, and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing. If anyone does not remain in me, he is like a branch that is thrown away and withers; such branches are picked up, thrown into the fire and burned. If you remain in me and my words remain in you; ask whatever you wish, and it will be given to you. This is to my Father’s glory; that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be his disciples.” John 15:5-8 When Jesus spoke these words to his disciples, they knew exactly what he was talking about, for there were vineyards all around. They knew that one never cuts down the vine but the branches were trimmed back, cast aside, and often burned. The vine was the source of life for the branches and gave the nutrition to produce new clusters of moist, sweet grapes. Could my lack of inspiration and productivity be because I have not stayed connected to the vine? Sadly, and with embarrassment, I have to admit that I have not been in God’s Word much the last two weeks. I am withering and it is my fault. All I have to do is remain in Him and He will be my source of inspiration, discipline and energy. It has been my choice as I have let my priorities shift elsewhere. In not receiving, I have not given. In not seeking inspiration, I have not inspired others. In not staying connected, I have been like a branch that is withering. Starting tomorrow, I will seek out God before all else. I will connect with Him before my blog, facebook or twitter. I will strive to keep my focus on him, making him my every breath. For this is how we ‘show ourselves to be his disciples.’ This is how He desires to live through His branches.