“How better to express unequivocal trust in who God is — than to express unequivocal thanks for what God gives?” This comment was written by Ann Voskamp in her blog today.
For no reason other than hormones, I am teary eyed and emotional this morning.
On this Fourth of July, when most celebrate the freedom the United States has as a nation, I am dwelling on the freedom that I have from my children: not a freedom celebrated, but one reluctantly accepted.
In letting my kids go, I am entrusting them to God. They make decisions I don’t approve of, choose values that are not mine, and are escaping into a world of selfishness not taught by their parents. Most worrisome is that they are forsaking the Word for the world. My freedom invites fear, anxiousness and doubts of whether I did all I could do.
So, in trusting God for who HE is, I will thank Him today for what He has given:
my oldest son’s three weeks home from college
my second son, five minutes later entering this world of freedom, and his decision to remain at home for college two extra years.

our bike ride to the beach and the enjoyment of experiencing fresh air, ocean waves and sore muscles together, as adults.
the assurance that they were brought up to love God and expressed that in so many ways as children
the faith I choose that God will bring them back to Him
the lazy last three weeks of eating, laying in the sun and watching old TV series’
the opportunity able to fix favorite foods that are not served in college dorms
the knowledge that I still have today and tomorrow before the one returns to Kentucky
the assurance that God is at work in Kentucky as well as the rest of the world
the fact that I can still hug my son today, and I will!