In the world I am a nobody. But the second I drive my black pickup into my concrete driveway, I am Queen of the Jungle. The is my domain and I am in charge.
When my husband walks in the door after a long day at work, I say, "Me Jane, you Tarzan." We are the heros in this place. What we say goes, our opinion counts and we are the bosses, no matter what our half clothed teenage children may think.

My yard is my private jungle: vines, greenery, large trees providing shade. Even the wild animals are subject to my rule.
Tony, my seventy pound African Sulcata Tortoise, searches me out for his banana. The wild birds wait expectantly for me to spread seed inside the big hanging birdcage. My hyena, Pencil stalks the yard, as do my lion and lioness. They have their council meetings to discuss the rules of the jungle but they ultimately know I am their queen.

To Tarzan's dismay, inside the house often resembles my much loved jungle. Yet beneath every blade of grass and flowering bush, I know where to find the bills, his razor and the keys. He may not see them but I, the Queen, know where to find every item in my mountainous domain.
During the sleepy moments under the hot sun, and the nights of movement and prowling animals, I move and take joy in my surroundings.
It doesn't matter what the domain of others resembles. It is of no concern to me or holds any interest or envy. For this is where I swing on vines, share my fruit, and thrive.
Today, in thankfulness of the letter 'Q', I unashamedly state that I am Queen of this Jungle. There is no place I would rather be!