I didn’t choose to be much of who I am. I am a missionary kid a third culture kid I don’t belong anywhere Nor identify with any particular people
I chose some of who I am I chose to be a wife and mother to live my live overseas to get a degree in Bible and Christian Education to dedicate my life to missions and full time ministry
I choose who I am now I am a Christ follower a friend, a wife and mother a minister of the Gospel a teacher/ speaker, blogger
Pretty much all of who I am is because I was chosen: chosen to be a child of God chosen to die for chosen to minister chosen to declare His praises
Is it wrong to be happy with whom I am?
Does that mean there are not some changes I would like to make? Definitely not!
But I am happy to be me Because God chose me.
Joining Lisa Jo on Friday for Five Minutes of writing. We don’t edit, we don’t proof read. We just write from our heart and then post! Join me today as we write on the word “Identity”. Then link your post here.
The Madness of Hope
Wednesday, May 10, 2017