The Madness of Hope

Our Reaction to Selfish Ambition and False Motives in the Church

If we look hard enough, we will find within the leadership of many Christian organizations attitudes and desires that are not godly. There is envy of Churches with higher numbers or offerings. We find the need to compete, when the goal of the church is to work together to further the Kingdom of God. We often find selfish ambition and a desire for power and recognition.
It is easy to become cynical and judgmental. When this happens we have brought the sin into our hearts, as we turn critical and bitter. We do not have to look hard to find honest, God fearing men and women but, in our sinful nature, we will bypass them to find the few whose faults are more obvious. Yet, as Paul said in Philippians 1:18, “What does it matter? The important thing is that in every way, whether from false motives or true, Christ is being preached. And because of this I rejoice.”
Ultimately the Church belongs to God. He will use His people as He desires and His first priority is to grow the body. He can bring good out of any situation. Look at the prior verses in 1:12-14. Paul said, “What has happened to me has really served to advance the Gospel. As a result (of my imprisonment) it has become clear throughout the whole palace guard and to everyone else that I am in chains for Christ. Because of my chains, most of the brothers in the lord have been encouraged to speak the word of God more courageously and fearlessly.”
God will take care of His Church. So let us rejoice and keep serving. It takes a burden off of us keeps our hearts pure of the sin of judgment and gossip.

Joining Ann, I thank God for:
The heavy rains and the washing away of dirt
Ginger Snaps
The power of forgiveness and the sermon I heard today
My team of ladies as we prepare for our trip to Africa
Prayer circles and the bonds it builds
Friends who show mercy
A week of no commitments

  1. > Wordless Wednesday
  2. > When God Doesn't Grant Our Desires
  3. > Health of my Daughter
  4. > Her Tattoo
  5. > 'G' is for Giving up Africa for Mark