I begin blogging one year ago with no purpose in mind. After my second post about Dulce Maria, a friend encouraged me to tell my stories. From stories came a way to open my heart.
I am not one to share my heart and it was not until recently that I began opening up to friends. Yet, the virtual world seemed so safe. As the cavity of my heart opened, my heart spilled over into words on the internet and became words that few people who know me personally read. Strangers read these words.
As I have opened up online, I have also learned to express my thoughts in spoken words and this is a new experience for me. My friendships have deepened.
Blogging has given me a sense of who I am and who I am not. I am not an eloquent writer and I am not a homemaker. What I am is a woman with a passion for God and for the peoples of the world. At one point I considered being someone different from who I am so that I could fit into the mold of bloggers that have huge followings. Yet even if I could do that, the words would not be from the heart and A Pause on the Path would not be written as I see the world.
So this year I am committed to sharing where God has brought me in the prayer of encouraging others and opening their eyes to the lives of others around the globe.
Thank you to the ninety who linked up for the Best of 2011 which I hosted to celebrate my One Year Blogaversary. The winner of the handbag from South Africa is Shelly from Redemption's Beauty who linked up her post from October 19th. titled Letting Go of What Holds Tight! Congratulations Shelly.
Linking with Jennifer at Getting Down With Jesus