There is a story of an American missionary couple who returned to the United States by ship after several decades of faithful service in Africa. On board with them was Teddy Roosevelt, returning from a game hunting trip in Africa. He received V.I.P. treatment during the voyage while the missionary couple simply stood back and watched. Upon arrival in New York City, a crowd and a band had gathered to receive the politician. When he walked down the gangplank, music and loud applause greeted him as his motorcade whisked him away.
Then quietly, with no fanfare, no attention, and no music, the missionary couple walked arm in arm down the gangplank, taking their first steps on American soil in over 30 years. After some silence, the husband turned to his wife and said, ‘Honey it doesn’t seem right after all these years that we would have nobody to greet us while that man got such a grand reception.”
The wife put her arms around her husband and gently reminded him, “But honey, we’re not home yet.”
It is human nature to crave recognition, whether for big things or the mundane. There is nothing wrong with being affirmed. But when our self-worth or identity is based on it, or when we get hurt or bitter when we are not recognized, then there is a problem. What about the times when the opinion influences our words and actions more than God?
Let’s remember that we are not home yet. We are foreigners in this land as we travel towards our heavenly in home.
One day, Christ will come and will say, “Well done, thy good and faithful servant.” That is all the affirmation we really need. Ultimately our role in life is to point people to Jesus and bring glory to God.
So, in the meantime, “Whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.” (Col. 3:17)