A dream two years in the making and a team nine months in prayer and training is finally taking off! We leave tomorrow, October 2nd for a week in Zimbabwe and two weeks in South Africa.
Most mission teams experience culture shock as they adapt to the culture they will immerse themselves in for a couple weeks. This team will be experiencing different cultures almost daily. The day after we land in Zimbabwe, we will spend a day in a rural village where we will be leading women in a mini conference on 'Training Women For Effective Ministry'. Many of these women will not read and none will speak English. We will be in their village, view their schools, homes, wells that our church has dug, and schools that we have helped paint.
Our second day will be giving the same conference in a city to women who read and many of whom speak English. Our Sunday will be spent in city churches.
From there we fly to Johannesburg and Cape Town where we will be in African Townships, Colored Townships, Predominately White City Churches, upper class churches, some extremely poor white churches as well as mixed churches, varied denominations and economic backgrounds. Each of these groups has a different culture.
Please pray for our team of women as we set out on this venture. My sister and I know the cultures well as we grew up and ministered in Africa. The others are nervous but excited.
My heart is full but there is no time tonight to share as I have still to pack. I wanted to schedule my posts but that did not happen either. So, I will write as I go and share my heart from the plane and from Africa.
This has been probably the hardest year of my life and I cannot help but pray that it has not been in vain: that God is going to use all my broken pieces to help me reach out to a broken world. As I sort through the fractured pieces of my heart and mind during the next month, I will seek to share it with you.
Thank you, my faithful friends and readers, for being patient with me these last few months as as I have been pretty silent on this blog. I think I am ready to open up and share. There will be more to come.