The Madness of Hope

You Really Want To Be Together Forever????

“Serve one another in love. The entire law is summed up in a single command; “Love your neighbor as yourself. If you keep on biting and devouring each other, watch out or you will be destroyed by each other.” Galatians 5:13-15
It saddens me, when you think that we will be spend an eternity together in heaven, that many Christians don't get along better.
That person you don’t care for and would rather not be around may be your next-door neighbor in heaven. Or, maybe even your roommate. It would serve us well to start working on those relationships now.
We will be together for eternity and that is a good thing. If we are to be “living in the light of eternity” now, let’s start making a special effort to get along!

I am often reminded of how much my children are like me in their attitudes towards others. When I have been critical they have been the same. When I have showed grace to others, they were more likely to extend grace as well. Keep in mind the influence we have on our families.
Let’s seek out someone we have problems with and love them in a special way! Affirm them privately and in public, give them a hug or a note, pray for them, whatever it takes. Make an effort to move past whatever it is that keeps us from being a family.

  1. > The Week
  2. > Is Your Light Shining?
  3. > Painting from a Small World
  4. > The Palm Of His Hand
  5. > Pink Saturday