The Madness of Hope

In Search of Beauty 4

I took a quick trip to Kentucky this past week and, of course, had to go on my search for beauty! Overwhelming greenness welcomed my Southern California parched, desert soul.

In that green land of Lexington lies a church: a church body of believers that took in my father as a young child and welcomed him into their midst. They nurtured him, loved him and sent him to bible college and then to Zambia as a young missionary. Years later, they paid his two daughter's tuition at Bible college and, in turn, sent them to Africa as missionaries as well. Saturday, even before seeing the people, I found beauty even in the sign that represents this wonderful church.

There is beauty in the gray heads of many worshipers. For, I see faithfulness, perseverance, and a love for the Lord.

The most beautiful man in the world preached from God's Word. All my life, I have seen him hold the bible in his left hand as he speaks. The sermons are always memorized, yet the worn book always visible.

And, the most beautiful woman I know sat behind the piano, as she has for over sixty years.

I took many shots of God's creation. Yet, my heart kept coming back to these photos. For, in my heart, these are the most beautiful of all.
Share with me what you found this week as you went out in search of beauty!