There is an empty place in each of us that only God can fill: a void, a hunger, and a need.
Yet, we play games when we are hungry: buying property after property when all we need to do is “Go Home”.
We starve ourselves, ignoring the gnawing feeling in the inner part of our soul. We don’t recognize what we are hungry for so we starve our souls until we feel malnourished and thirsty. They say if you feel thirsty, it is too late as you are already dehydrated. I can go hours without drinking and don’t even think about it. Then, when I do get thirsty, I drink and drink. But it is often too late and I get a headache. Why do I do that?
We look for the wrong thing: things that do not satisfy. We seek solace in friends, material possessions and self-promotion. Nothing is enough.
All we need to do is come to the Bread of Life. He never fails to satisfy our soul cravings. In fact, He has a table prepared for us and is waiting. If we will but come, He will fill us and give us strength.
“You don’t forget the face of the person who was your last hope.”
― Suzanne Collins, The Hunger Games
Why do we forget the One who satisfies? Why do we continually seek fulfillment in things that do not satisfy?
May my soul hunger and thirst after Him. May I have a craving for Him that keeps me running back to be filled with more and more of Him.
I don’t want to play hunger games.
Matt 5:6, “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst after righteousness, for they will be filled.”