The Madness of Hope

What I Did Right

We see our children’s faults and cast blame. For in them, we see our failures. As mothers we are hard on ourselves and continually dwell on what we should have done different.
Tonight, while discussing things we did wrong, one friend wisely pointed out that we need to celebrate the things we have done right.
So I am making a list of the things I did right.
I taught my children that all men are equal, regardless of race, social status or nationality. I modeled service to them from the time they were babies. We took cookies to firemen, visited nursing homes and hospitals, gave gift baskets to the needy and paid school fees and medical bills for those working for us. I showed them and their friends how important it was to have fun. I took them on hikes, weekends to the beach, to movies and fun nights. I showed them the importance of the church as we attended every week. Even when we lived somewhere where there was no English congregation, we began one in our home and I hosted youth groups and bible clubs to make sure they always had a place to learn. I taught them to love animals helped instill in them a love for all God’s creatures.
I tried to teach them my children that money and appearance are not what is important in life.
What about you? What have you done right as a mother? For, today we celebrate what we did well. Leave the regrets for tomorrow. Or better yet, forgive yourself and move on. Be the best mom you can be from this day on!

  1. > Bittersweet
  2. > The Other Guy in The Story
  3. > The Perfect Gift
  4. > Ghosts In My Trees???
  5. > The Day My Daddy Cried