The Madness of Hope

Wait in Expectation

Have you ever asked someone for a favor and then waiting on pins and needles for the response? You could be expecting to be accepted for a job interview, to be given clear results from a biopsy, or to have your dinner invitation accepted.
It is the words, ‘waiting in expectation’ that I am talking about.
I pray every day, but do I wait every day, just expecting an answer from God? Have I grown weary of waiting, to the point where I barely expect an answer?
There are some things I lay before God every day, yet I have ceased to expect from Him.
Some things we have to trust that his timing is perfect and we resign ourselves to just keep praying. Yet, if I prayed like I expected an answer immediately, would I pray different? Would I pray more fervently and with more passion? Would the weariness be gone from my prayers?
I’m just thinking and asking myself.
For there are some prayers that have been prayed for a long time.
Yet, we are often called to 'wait' on God. Waiting can be good, but we can never lose the hope that He will answer. For waiting in expectation is adopting an attitude of calm assurance that God will hear and will answer.
In the morning, O Lord, you hear my voice; In the morning I lay my requests before you and wait in expectation. Psalm 5:3 What about you? Have you waiting a long time for your answer? Are you still expecting an answer for your every prayer? Do you have calluses on your knees?
Persevere my friend! The calluses help us to endure the time we spend on our knees.

  1. > Can God Interrupt Uour Life?
  2. > The Week
  3. > Is Your Light Shining?
  4. > Painting from a Small World
  5. > The Palm Of His Hand