The Madness of Hope

A New Stage of Life

I hear the fan whirling softly above my head, the dog biting her foot and the wind blowing through the chimney and fireplace. That is all I hear.
Normally, as evening approaches there are sounds of the TV, spoons hitting against metal pans in the kitchen, the opening and shutting of the refrigerator and voices chattering about their day. It’s a new sound in my living room. It is a sound I must become accustomed to. It’s not bad, nor is it good. It is what it is, a new stage of life. Almost twenty one years have revolved around caring for babies, chasing toddlers, nurturing preschoolers, helping with homework, carpooling, wiping tears and encouraging them to grow more and more independent. Now they are gone. It’s not bad, nor is it good. It is what it is, a new stage of life. For two decades years I turned down invitations, limited my involvement with others, and tried to be home when they were home. Now I am able to pursue other ministries, make my own schedule and do things I didn’t make time for before. It’s not bad, nor is it good. It is what it is; a new stage of life. In between bouts of sadness are moments of excitement. One thing I do know is that I will be spending more
time on my knees than ever before.

  1. > Baby Ground Squirrel
  2. > P is for Pain
  3. > A Chosen Identity
  4. > When Opportunity Knocks
  5. > Never Forsaken