My Grandfather was diagnosed with Parkinson’s at a young age. Because he exercised and kept in shape, it was a long time before the symptoms became debilitating.
Grandpa attended Bible College and served as a Pastor all his life. He was a professor at a small bible college while pasturing a church and participated in traveling revivals. His knowledge of God’s Word was vast and he had large portions memorized.
The first time it became overly obvious that the disease was progressed and that help was needed was one night when he was found missing.
The police began a search and Grandpa was found in an empty plot of land, barefoot in his pajamas. He was surrounded by cult members and was preaching, pleading with them to turn to the truth. The only problem was: he was in the field alone.
Soon after that incident, Grandpa was placed in a nursing home and the Parkinson’s gradually took over his brain. He didn’t always recognize people and even introduced my mom once to my Grandmother as his second wife.
Family and medical staff would often find him preaching to crowds that did not exist. He quoted scripture after scripture, with accuracy and soundness of mind. He taught and pleaded with people to come to know the Lord.
When all his facilities left and his mind was confused and mistaken, God’s Word never left him. It was hidden in his heart and mind until the very end. When he could not articulate words to communicate with family, he could always pray.
When Jesus said, “Lo, I am with you always," and, “I will never forsake you,” He meant it. For when all else failed Grandpa, the comfort and words of His Savior were there to the end. There was no confusion, just the pure and unadulterated Word of God.
As comforting as this is, it is also a motivation to keep studying and memorizing the scriptures. For, should the time come that my mind fails, I know without a doubt that the Word of God is faithful, timeless and will be present until He returns to take me home.
"Your word, O LORD, is eternal; it stands firm in the heavens. Your faithfulness continues through all generations; you established the earth, and it endures." Psalm 119:89-90
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