The Madness of Hope

Long Distance Communication

As I write, my husband is on a mission trip to Peru and Chili. I love the fact that, even though we are
separated by thousands of miles, we can communicate as often we desire.

Through Facebook, I learned that after he spoke, six people accepted the Lord for the first time. He climbed Machu Pichu, straining his muscles and lungs, determined to reach the top. We’ve kept in touch as his plane took off for Chile, made two attempts to land, was unsuccessful so had to return to Peru. He faced a huge emotional letdown when his team returned to the U.S. and left him behind. I am able to pray for him and encourage him. And, I had the privilege of seeing a photo of him wearing a ridiculous hat and really hope he does not return with it!

Even though the miles separate us, I was able to share with him that I have to have a biopsy for an unexpected nodule found on an ultrasound. He knows all the details and is praying for me, as he also anxiously awaits news. I was excited to share how our son got an extra and unexpected academic scholarship from his university. Not only do we share pride but it takes away some of the financial burden.

Once again, there are so many good things in regards to the social media. We just need to find a balance.

For, sometimes my husband returns home after a long day and the house is a mess because I have spent too much time on the Internet. And there have been a few evenings when he has gone to bed alone because I was finishing up a blog or reading those of others. That has built up resentment at times. In a marriage, we have to ensure that our husbands come before the world in cyber space.

So, while the good outweighs the bad in my opinion, there are dangers to be aware of and a balance to keep.
I am joining Courtney with her series on the Media. This week's subject is on how the Media effects our Marriages. If you would like to read the thoughts of others, click the button below.
M edia and Parenting
Media and My Marriage Media and My Relationship With God
Media and My Homemaking

  1. > When The Heart Is At Peace
  2. > Quote it and Sing it
  3. > Pink
  4. > Guest Writer: Janette Wright on Surrender
  5. > Got Heartburn?