My husband, along with a few others, have been reaching out to the homeless in our community. A couple times they have agreed to come to church on a Sunday evening, and he has picked them up and taken them with him. Yesterday morning, a couple of the homeless boldly entered our church campus on their own initiative. This is a big step for those who already feel self conscious and unwanted. Since they came on their own, my husband was not nearby when they first entered the campus.
A few people reached out to them, including one teenage boy who works at our cafe. He left his place behind the counter to come sit with these people and talk while they ate. Another woman began searching through bags of donated clothes to find a pair of jeans the right size.
However, our campus security team was suspicious and unwelcoming. They approached my husband asking if he knew these men. When he replied that he did, they went on to say, "Well, did you invite them here?"
I don't think anyone needs an invitation to attend a worship service. In fact, all should be welcomed with open arms.
Sad to say, despite the loving attitude of a few people, the treatment by this select group of men was enough to make these men feel they were unwelcome.
It is my prayer that my husband and his friends can show enough love in the next couple weeks to let these men know that they are wanted inside our church walls. And if not our walls, then the body of Christ as a whole.
James 2:2-4 Suppose a man comes into your meeting wearing a gold ring and fine clothes, and a poor man in shabby cothes also comes in. If you show special attention to the man wearing fine clothes and say, "here is a good seat for you," but say to the poor man, "You stand there" or "Sit on the floor by my feet," have you not discriminated amoung yourselvs and become judges with evil thoughts? (NIV)
Welcome to On Your Heart Tuesdays
This blog hop has been dedicated to sharing what is on your heart with others: How has God been working in your heart lately? Are you joyful, encouraged, broken hearted, burdened for something? What is your heart’s desire? What lessons have you applied to your heart and life? What fills your heart with joy? What has made you laugh, or cry? "On Your Heart Tuesdays" link will open on Monday evenings and stay open through Friday. I can't wait to hear what you have to share!! Grab my button and put it on the bottom of your post to direct people back to read more.