Today I am featuring Janette Wright as a Guest Writer. Janette was one of my first blog friends and has stayed a favorite to this day. Not only do I enjoy her blogs but I also enjoy our email exchanges. She is going through some major transitions in her life and always portrays grace and encouragement. Please read her words below and visit her blog at Janette's Sage . Be blessed as you read! Surrender

This is where I am right now... a place of surrender. My face is to the wind as I trust the Lord with the direction His wind is blowing our family sails.
We will be moving to a new house... unexpectedly, but the winds blew so strong that they couldn't be ignored.
God is also changing the wind on our home schooling after 22 years. We are looking into our fifth child attending public high school in the fall. This will be another new experience for our family.
My husband is adventuring into new job opportunities... working two jobs now.
Me... I am standing solidly on the rock! I am seeing how I don't enjoy change... so surrender and trust are required again. He was faithful last time and will be this time.
My verses today were these Psalms 37:23 -26 The steps of a righteous man are established by the Lord; And He delights in his way. When he falls, he shall not be hurled headlong; Because the Lord is the One who holds his hands! I have been young; and now I am old; Yet I have not seen the righteous forsaken, Or his descendants begging bread. All day long he is gracious and lends; And his descendants are a blessing
Thanks to all of you that are praying for us during this season. Your words of encouragement and testimonies have given me wind under my tired wings. My posts may be more spread out as I seek His face, cry some tears, pack and anticipate the goodness of My God. This is just part of the Great Adventure. He has something wonderful in store as I surrender.