“You broaden the path beneath me, so that my ankles do not turn.” (Psalm 18:36 NIV)
For Monday Manna, Yvonne has asked us to reflect on Psalm 18:36. In the context of this verse, David is praising God for protection during war.
In the midst of war, danger or troubles, we seek shelter. We cling to the narrow, less travelled road; the one protected from our enemies by large rocks and tall grasses and trees. Although rocks cause us to stumble and prickly branches tear into our skin, we are safely sheltered from the enemy.
At the end of the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus gave his listeners a choice of which path they could take in life. There is a road that is broad and the gate wide. Many will follow that route but it ends in destruction. The other road is narrow, and the gate small, but it leads to life. (Matthew 7:13-14)
On the narrow path we take as followers of Christ, there is protection from the enemy as we walk in obedience. It is not always the easy way. This is not paved walkway adorned with flowers. We willingly give that up to follow Jesus and any beauty along the way is undeserved and purely a blessing from God.
But, God ‘broadens the path beneath us so that our ankles do not turn,’ or, as the KJV says, 'our feet do not slip."
Protection comes from obediently following God's way. If we choose the narrow way, He will protect us and broaden that path. He will give us strength and lovingly guide us along the way. And at the end of that path, through the small gate, is Life. For Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth, and the Life!’
Knowing this, I choose to walk the narrow path. I will trust God for protection and trust he will keep me from stumbling. And at the end of that path I know I will see Christ face to face and will live forever with the one who loved me more than life itself.