I’d like to introduce you to Ashley! Ashley Beckford is on my team of women going to Zimbabwe and South Africa in October. She is one of the worship leaders at my church, Christ Church of the Valley, and will be leading worship at our women’s conferences.
Ashley has a true heart of worship: humble and with a desire to give God all the glory. She blesses me every time she leads and I cannot wait to see what God will do through her both in Africa and in her future ministry here in California and the United States.
Ashley just produced her Debut Album and is raising money for its release. It will be out in September, just before our trip to Africa. I will be posting a link in September but first would like to ask you to pray about helping her towards the initial cost of the CD. Here is the link that explains what she needs. As you see, this project will only be funded if $7000 is raised by July 1 at 2:59AM CST.
In September, I will be posting a link to where you can listen to and purchase her music.
Needless to say, I love and admire Ashley so much that I want to help her as she obeys and steps out in faith.