The Madness of Hope

Shine Like Stars

I remember nights spent in the African bush. We would lie out under the star and be transfixed by their brightness and their beauty. There was no pollution to cloud the view or dim their sparkle. It was like camping in the desert or mountains, far away from city lights and smog.
The bible says we are like stars in the sky, leading people to Jesus, just as the star led the wise men to Jesus so many years ago. Yet, many do not see the brightness because we have allowed the pollution of the world to come inside our lives preventing others from seeing what Jesus is really like.
As I asked myself, “What clouds the brightness of Jesus from shining through from my life?” I came up with a list of things. I wish it were only one or two: that I was so close to being like Jesus, but that wasn’t the case. The list included selfishness, disorganization, gossip, nagging, complaining, and a critical nature. It saddens me that I do not shine brighter.
Paul said in Philippians 2:14, “Do everything without complaining or arguing so that you may become blameless and pure, children of God without fault in a crooked and depraved generation, in which you shine like stars in the universe as you hold out the word of life.”
Our job is to hold up the WORD, and anything that gets in the way of others seeing Jesus is the pollution of sin.
Are you a complainer? Do you find fault with everything at home, work and church? Are you known for arguing? What clouds dim the light of Jesus for others to see? It is never to late to work on these things.
Let’s polish our our stars so they shine brighter than ever!
What is on your heart and mind this week? Please link your post below to On Your Heart Tuesday and take a moment to read and comment on a couple other posts. If you would kindly link back to this blog, it will help to grow this community.

  1. > My Kid and Cat
  2. > God of the Valleys
  3. > U for Umbrella of God
  4. > R for Reminiscing
  5. > The Fine Line