In the year 2000 we moved to Costa Rica and joined Escazu Christian Fellowship, an international, inter-denominational church.
There was a missionary there who was just a little over the top. Sharon was a loving and godly woman but had a tendency to push people away with her visions, ‘words from God’ and her gifts of prophesy. However, she was encouraging to my children, so I made and effort to befriend her.
Before I continue I will give you a short background on me. I grew up a missionary kid in Zambia and, while in bible college, dedicated my life to full time mission work, later taking an assignment in Zimbabwe to serve as a missionary. It was there that I met and married Mark, a Zimbabwean with a finance background. We ‘left the mission field’ and I became an international businessman’s wife. Mark became an executive with Chiquita Brands International and we spent the next seventeen years stationed in Central America and Africa.
Although Mark was in business, I was still a missionary at heart and joined in the work of various missionaries in the countries we lived, as well as starting many of my own endeavors.. It served me wall as I had the money to finance any project I undertook and did not have to ask for money nor report back to anyone but God.
Back to my story; one day I took Sharon out to lunch. Almost immediately She began, “God gave me a vision regarding you and Mark.”
On the outside I smiled, but inside my eyes were rolling back in my head. An inner voice whispered, “There she goes again. You should have known this would happen.” With a smile frozen on my face, I whispered back, “Shut up. She is getting old. Just humor her.”
Sharon continued, “God told me that the desire of your heart is to be a missionary but Mark isn’t there yet. But don’t worry. Be patient and keep praying because one day Mark will be a missionary.”
The inner voice shouted, “No way! Is this lady psycho?”
“Did you know I grew up a missionary kid in Africa?” I asked.
“No,” she replied.
“Did you know I met Mark while I was a missionary in Zimbabwe?” I questioned.
“No,” she answered again.
The voices retorted, “This is too much!” Maybe she did hear something from God but I knew Mark would never become a missionary and I had not been praying that way.
Fast forward to the present. Through a series of events God allowed Mark to be stripped of most of the wealth he once held dear. More important, He has changed Mark’s priorities and values.
In February of 2009 Mark took the position of Pastor of Global Outreach at a church in Southern California and now has a true heart for missions. He has no desire to ever return to the business world.
Not too long ago I recalled my conversation with Sharon. My friends and I were so quick to scoff at her ‘words from the Lord’. Do not get me wrong: God speaks to me and some times it is very clear, but He has never spoken a word of prophesy like what He did with Sharon. And, even if He did, I am not sure I would have to boldness to share it like she did.
It makes me wonder if, in my zeal and excitement for God, I have also turned others away by appearing to be a ‘lunatic’ Christian. There is a fine line between truly living and sharing your faith and being overly sensitive so as to not offend. I think maybe I err more on the later. In my prayers for boldness, there needs to be added the prayer for sensitivity.
I have thought many times this past year of getting in touch with my ‘lunatic’ Christian friend but do not have her contact information. Maybe I need to find it! Writing this blog comes with the realization that she taught me more than one lesson!
I have also learned that, with God, all things are possible. I just returned from a missions trip to Thailand with my husband and could not be more proud of the man of God he has become. If we continue to love our husbands and pray for them, God will lead them in the direction He wants for their lives.