The Madness of Hope

Language Of Silence

We just finished two days of a garage sale to raise money for my daughter and my mission trips to Africa. With that came two days of talking with people.

My kids say I can talk to a tree, that I do not know a stranger. But right now, I am totally exhausted and don’t want to say another word. My brain is fried from the many languages I spoke this weekend.
I spoke English with many who browsed through my stuff. We talked about my mission trip, the beautiful weather, and the kids that smoke marijuana at the back corner of my house.
There were immigrants who stopped by and spoke broken English. So, I spoke special English with them: clear, simple and easy words.
Of course, there are always many Mexicans who do not speak any English. With them I spoke Spanish. Sometimes I just listened first to hear what they had to say about my things, before letting them know that I knew what they were talking about!
Then there were those who spoke baby languages. We spoke in high, squeaky, fun voices, and giggled a lot.
There were those who walked their dogs and stopped, or even some who brought their pets on purpose. We spoke doggy language and went on and on about how our doggies behave and all the cute things they do.
So, needless to say, I am languaged out right now. That has to be a word in some language, right?
I’m glad God never tires of speaking to me. If I’m stressed, He speaks in low comforting tones. When I feel joyful, His voice is upbeat and makes me smile. When I am in pain, His voice reassures me that healing comes in His perfect time.
Sometimes, like right now, I am so exhausted and I sit in silence before Him. He isn’t speaking to me. I tried reading my Bible but nothing is sinking in. It is like my brain is on overload.
However, His voice is not one I am missing or longing for. That’s because I feel Him sitting beside me as I close my eyes and drink my coffee. It is a comfortable silence, the kind only close friends enjoy. I still feel we are conversing. It must be the language of Silence.

When I am too tired to keep going, I draw on this verse: The Lord will fight for you, and you have only to be silent. Exodus 14:14

  1. > A Pause on The Path of Life
  2. > First Time for Everything
  3. > Why Love Hurts
  4. > Are you Wilting or Blooming?
  5. > It's OK to be Different!