The Madness of Hope

Surprises in a Buddhist Temple

While shopping at the famous night bazaar in Chiang Mai, I got sidetracked when I noticed a temple. I love seeing the places and manner in which others worship their gods. So I wondered away from the group and arrived at the door of the temple. Slipping off my shoes, I added them to the neatly arranged shoes of others and, barefoot, entered the Buddhist temple.

Fascinated, and in wonder of its uniqueness, my eyes drank in the walls, the ceilings, the pictures, the candles: all so foreign to Christian Churches and my ways of worship. Then something caught my eye and I slowly walked to the front. Do you see it????? Look for a few moments before you scroll down any further.

There at the front, peacefully sleeping on one of the prayer mats belonging to the monks, was a cat. While the locals worshiped and the random tourist took photos of the temple, I was drawn to the 'kitty'! It was a taste of home in the midst of strange surroundings.
I guess you find a comfortable place to sleep wherever you can!
And so goes my random thought for today!

  1. > Heavenly Treasures
  2. > Flavor of India
  3. > S for Sparrows
  4. > Desire or true?..
  5. > From Thailand With Love