The Madness of Hope

Purses That Don't Wear Out

I have a Kenya bag that I bought while in college. It is sturdy, has strong handles and does not wear thin. My other purses last about a season. Buckles break, handles tear and the leather wears off. More importantly, they go out of style. So they are replaced often.
My last purse, one that I loved, got stolen.. It had zippered pockets on the outside, was big, black, shiny and the latest style from Hollywood. So I returned to my previous bag that was wearing thin on the bottom and missing buttons.

Off I went shopping for the perfect bag. I had my mind made up before I went. I wanted black ruffles and small pockets for my cell phone and money. I never did find what I was seeking for. That often happens when I have a specific picture in my mind.

Jesus said in Luke 12:31-34, “Seek his kingdom, and these things will be given to you as well. Do not be afraid, little flock, for your Father has been pleased to give you the kingdom. Sell your possessions and give to the poor. Provide purses for yourselves that will not wear out, a treasure in heaven that will not be exhausted, where no thief comes near and no moth destroys. For where your treasure is there your heart will be also.’

Jesus said to seek purses that will not wear out: ones that hold only heavenly treasures. These purses are not leather bags filled with money to shop, lipstick to enhance our beauty nor a phone to keep up with friends. Rather they are filled with treasure that we hope for and are certain of but do not see: a heavenly treasure.

We have this kingdom, this eternal hope. Knowing this we can bless the needy with our possessions, give help to the poor and extend mercy to the hurting. For the blessings we possess in this purse are bottomless and overflowing. The more we give of ourselves, the more we are given; for if we have been faithful with a few things, we will be put in charge of many things.

If our treasure is in heaven, our heart will be there also and our purses will never wear out.

Please return at 6PM Pacific time and link with On Your Heart Tuesday!

In joining Ann for Multitude on Mondays, I thank God for:
The fluffy orange cat sitting on my coffee table.
My daughter's new job.
The revival of strained friendships.
The visit of a friend from far away.
Flip flop weather after a winter of feet in boots.
Grapefruit: pink, juicy and sweet
An exhausted body and sore feet: for I am still able to work hard.
Morning coffee
The mess I cleaned up this morning; for it reminded me I have people I love in my house.

  1. > Bold
  2. > Escape
  3. > D for Diversity
  4. > Show and Tell Friday
  5. > Creation,