The Madness of Hope

The Art of Confrontation

Isn’t it just like God? I wrote out homework for a four week bible study I am leading, praying each day would touch the women where they are at and while drawing them closer to God’s will for their lives.
One lesson this week dwells on the fact that David was unaware of the sin in his life until confronted by Nathan, God’s ever faithful servant. This situation was major and Nathan, with God’s help, mastered the art of confrontation. I closed the study that day challenging the women to pray about if God wanted them to be a Nathan in someone’s life.
Confrontation is hard and something I avoid at all costs. Although I remain forever grateful to the few Nathan’s in my life who dared to talk to me about some tough issues, I have a hard time extending that same favor to others. I don’t like conflict.
Yet here I sit, having written the study for the other ladies in my group, faced with the realization that God wants me to confront another about the sin in their life. I am fighting it will all my might and hating the fact that God gave me that lesson for myself as much as anyone else.
I haven’t mastered the art of confrontation; in fact, I have very little experience with it. But before I can stand up in front of my ladies next week, I have to obey God in this matter. It leaves me fearing what the rest of the month brings to my plate.
I have studied the scriptures about confronting in love and without passing judgment. I have read how Nathan approached King David with all the wisdom God bestowed upon him. Now I am left with praying for boldness, for faithfulness to obey God, and for the art of confrontation.

  1. > Show and Tell Friday
  2. > Decor of my African Homeland
  3. > Z for Zambia
  4. > The Family
  5. > W for Worth It