There is a throne inside the center of our being of which we have a choice whom to place on it’s seat.
The heart is the place where words can become nullified. We may say we love someone but our actions reveal the true position they hold in our hearts.
Have we crowned our children, our husband, our friends, or ourselves? Is most our energy spent on our bodies, our jobs or our relationship with God? What is most important to us? “For, where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” (Matthew 6:21)
1 Peter 3:15 reads, “In your hearts, set apart Christ as Lord.” His will should take precedence above all else, and as He changes us and molds us, all else will fall into its proper place. Our families will get the time and energy they deserve, our church family will receive compassion, and forgiveness, and our mouths will speak words that bring peace.
If Christ is Lord of our hearts, we will be able to hand over our worries and fear, placing our hope in Him. Then we will willingly and boldly share with others.
In studying 1 Peter 3 this week, I have been examining to what extent Christ is truly Lord of my heart. I know it is more than a statement I make, but rather, the way in which I live my life.
Father, I pray you will help me to truly make you Lord of my heart. May you be my Master and King and may all other priorities take their proper place behind you. May I love you with all my heart, my soul and my mind; a love not born of words but birthed from the soul, and exemplified in every action, word and thought.