My little friend, Adrianna, turned fifteen this past year; part of a year spent in Seattle Children's Hospital. At thirteen she was a healthy, normal teenager. Then she was diagnosed with systemic scleroderma and quickly dwindled down to less than eighty pounds, was confined to a wheelchair, and fed through a tube in her stomach. After chemo and other treatments failing, her family packed up and left the Los Angeles area for Seattle.

For a year, Adrianna has been confined to her hospital bed. She received two bone marrow transplants and now has Graves Host Disease, meaning her body recognized the transplant as a foreign body. She has had enough and is ready to 'dance with Jesus'. This is the letter she presented Friday to her team of Doctors when she refused to have her stomach shut off for good.

I am so proud of my little friend and for the way she has taken control of her life. As soon as they get her diabetics under control (another new diagnosis), Adiranna will be joyfully heading home with her mother and joining her step dad and two young sisters.

I am pleading for prayers for Adrianna and her mother Scarlett. Both have accepted the Lord since Adrianna's first diagnosis and are trusting in God daily for their strength. Pray they remain strong as they move forward in this journey. My heart breaks as much for Scarlett as it does for her daughter and I pray for comfort and peace over her, that the peace of God which transcends all understanding will guard her heart and mind in Christ Jesus. Will you join me and lift them before our Heavenly Father?
On Your Heart Tuesday linky is now open. Please link back to this blog to help grow this community and take a moment to read a post or two. May God shower each of you with blessings.
Part two of this story is here. Other Posts on Adrianna:
When Enough Is Enough
Going Home
The First Week of Hospice
The Family
Dancing With Jesus