I have a seventeen year old daughter at home and she has a boyfriend! Like many of you, we are dealing with setting healthy, godly boundaries. While most of the time she is fine with the rules we make, there are times when she fights us and we hear the same arguments, "Why can't you just trust me?"
And, I say, "It's not a matter of trust! It is a matter of knowing that however good your intentions are, temptations arise and it is better not to put yourself in temptations way." Then I fall back on the statement, "I was young once with good intentions yet also did things I never set out to do."
Think of Peter! He swore, "Even if all the other disciples may betray you, I will NEVER do that."
Yet, as Jesus said, "The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak." Peter went on to deny Christ three times.
So, I say to my daughter, once again, "I do trust YOU. But I don't trust the flesh and Satan's knows the weaknesses of the flesh and is just waiting to make you fall."
I will stand by the healthy rules we have made in our house.
I joined Lisa Jo at Gypsy Mama for Five Minute Friday on the word 'Trust'. Five minutes (with no editing) didn't do this post justice so I feel another post coming on!