The Madness of Hope

God's Promised Savior Will Return / A Promise

I lay on the carpet with my warm fuzzy robe wrapped snuggly around me. My bible was open to Isaiah as I read my morning devotion of the promise of a coming Savior.
Suddenly the sun broke through the clouds outside the living room window and a raw of sunshine shone onto the living room floor, crossing my bible. And I saw it! A rainbow, like that which was given to Noah to send a sign from God that he would never flood the earth again. It had spread across the page of my bible.
God’s visible promise of a rainbow was reflected on the words of the page that had prophesied years ago of a coming savior. God was reminding me that what he had promised had come true.
Yet, the promise of a Savior has only partially been fulfilled. For, one day He will return and his kingdom will reign forever and ever. God keeps his promises. Even though almost two thousand years have passed since Jesus left this earth, we can know without a doubt that He will return.
As we celebrate the coming of the baby that would save the world, we can also take joy in the fact that he will come again. He keeps every promise. So, we take heart, and we wait.

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