Today, a friend informed me she was pregnant. Her heart’s desire has been for a baby and she was becoming more and more disappointed as she prayed each month yet each pregnancy test screamed negative. She is one of my most godly and sweetest friends and I have prayed so many times that God would reward her with a child to love on. Today I was one of the first to hear the good news.
I’m watching the afternoon news as I write and there is a ticker crossing the bottom of the TV reading Breaking News: Helicopter explodes hitting major LA building. Another two: Community College Shooting and House Fire.
What is it about ‘Breaking News’? Just the words demand our attention The media exaggerates many events just to grab the notice of it’s many viewers.
Aren’t we the same? As soon as we hear a tidbit of news we are quick to be the first to spread it. A spark becomes a wild fire. That is good when it is news worthy of reporting. I would shout it from the roof tops that my friend is pregnant except that it is her news to share. When a friend accepts the Lord or is declared cancer free that is worthy news. When our kids get straight A’s on their report card or our husband finds a new job we deserve to share the news.
But what about ‘Breaking News’ that serves no good purpose in being shared. We are so quick to pass that on as well. Does the world really need to know that Jane Doe’s husband left her or that her teenage daughter became pregnant. Not all news needs to be passed around. It is bad enough that it is whispered behind closed doors but inappropriate news is often posted on face book and twitter.
Ephesians 4:29 says, “Let no unwholesome word proceed from your mouth, but only what is building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.”
Is the story we share encouraging to the person to whom we tell it? If not, maybe we shouldn’t have the conversation. If neither we nor they are a part of the problem or the solution, then let the story stay with the people involved.
If we would be ashamed to speak these words in the presence of the person involved, then most likely we are destroying that person’s reputation in the mind of the listener.
We experience so many blessings, both from God and others, that there is no need to relay information that is not encouraging and uplifting.
So this blog comes with a challenge. Concentrate this week on only speaking words that edify and build others up. Choose to bless others by what you say.. Find some ‘Breaking News’ that will cheer others up and then shout it from the rooftops. Thank those who need to feel appreciated. Encourage those who are losing heart.
“May the words of our mouths and the meditation of your hearts be acceptable and pleasing in your sight, O Lord.” (Psalm 19:14)