The Madness of Hope

Baby Jesus Around The World

Baby Jesus is seen differently in every country. They have their own customs, beliefs, dress and traditions. I bought this baby Jesus in Costa Rica. There, the baby Jesus does not join the Nativity scene until Christmas day.

In Russia, it is COLD so baby Jesus is wrapped up warm and snug.

In Guatemala, it stands to reason that He wears the knit hat that all other babies wear. He can't have a cold head!

Baby Jesus in Ruanda is dark, like the majority of the population.

Baby Jesus in Honduras is colorfully dressed, for life there is full of bright colors.

In Poland, Catholicism is prominent and baby Jesus would have gold trim

In Zimbabwe, many homes and crafts are made of straw so baby Jesus is made the same. Other materials are hard to come by,

In Italy, traditions go back back almost 2000 years of celebrating the birth of Christ.

England is known for cathedrals, richly painted in gold. Baby Jesus fits in well in the ancient churches.

Many want to Jesus made of shiny semi-precious materials. They want a king, bringing riches and wealth.

Jesus fits into every culture, dress and race. Yet, He is who He is. He came humbly to earth, being born in a manger. He lived a life of love and humility, sacrificing even His life for mankind. He died, rose and ascended unto heaven. He promises to return to reign over all the earth. He is our Savior and the only way to God. While he may look different in different countries, He is the same to every person. We cannot make Him to be anyone other than who He is. He is God's only Son. He is God.

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  2. > D for Diversity
  3. > Show and Tell Friday
  4. > Creation,
  5. > Taste And See