The Madness of Hope

More Than a Rice Paddy

There is a rice field: green, lush, and close to harvest. Around this swampy land fishermen cast their nets for small minnow. Not far away lays a church with a vision to build on this ride field. They have been making payments now for eleven years and will be paying for fifteen more before they pay off the remaining $20,000.00. ‘Preecha’ Isaiah and his wife, Sarah, are eager to show us the land where the church building will one day stand. It was their vision, and they rallied the congregation behind them to purchase this lot.

It is a beautiful lot but will one day hold much more. For, one day it will be used to harvest souls in place of rice. Where men cast their nets to catch fish, there will one day be fishers of men.

The land will have to be filled in first and raised so that it will not be swamp land. Then the building will be erected and will stand on solid ground. As I write, much of Thailand is under water from the worst flooding in many years. I pray wisdom over this church. In Matthew 7:24, we read, “Everyone who ears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock. The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house; yet it did not fall, because it had its foundation on the rock.

Our team prayed over that land, the church, and Isaiah as their leader. Tears filled my eyes as I envisioned what will one day stand on that land; a church whose foundation lay deep into the foundation of Jesus Christ and who will draw many men to God.

What is on YOUR heart today? I'd love to hear! Now that I am home, I promise to get around to everyone's blog. If you would be kind enough to link back to this blog or put my button on your post, it will help this blog hop grow.

  1. > What Do You Say To The Homeless? OYHT link open
  2. > Long Life
  3. > Wrong and Right Compassion
  4. > Soar Like Eagles
  5. > My Kitchen