Living the Christian life has always been easy for me; at least for the most part. That is, until recently.
I don’t know what happened but all the sudden living a righteous life was burdensome. There were so many rules and regulations that I became weary. The fight seemed too hard. For the first time in my life I began to identify with so many who struggled to life a life for God. For the first time I had to ask myself if I really wanted to do what was right. I was tired. I have always been a good girl. I have always done the right thing. But now, my heart was not “in” it.
A few months ago God began changing my heart but there are still struggles never present in previous years. It has weighed heavy on my mind, for I am not used this war in my heart.
This morning I read Matthew 11:28-30 and it had a whole new meaning. Jesus had been speaking to the disciples about the oppressive legalism of the Pharisees. They made it so hard to obey all their rules and regulations.
Then Jesus says here, “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”
He was speaking to men who found living a godly life wearisome and He offered rest. He understands when it all becomes just a bit too much! He offers His yoke and we can learn from Him.
What does that mean? I believe it must mean that the more we learn of his gentle and humble heart, the more we will desire to want to be like Him. Maybe the answer is to learn more from Him.
When I look back over the times when life has seemed the hardest, it has been times when I have not sat at his feet, at least for not enough time. I should sit at his feet until I find rest. On the contrary, if I do not find rest, I leave His presence early.
If I stay in His presence, giving Him my burden of rules and regulations, and taking his yoke of a gentle and humble heart, He will give me a burden that is light and easy to bear.
So, I am committing to staying in His word until I find rest and peace, until my burdens are lifted and replaced with His yoke.