The Madness of Hope

From India to Thailand

I have dreamed of visiting India since childhood. When the opportunity came to help lead a mission trip I jumped at it. However, my lack of excitement during the preparation seemed funny to me. Now I realize it must have been because I was not to go.
Because visas were not issued for the whole team we have changed our trip. With four days to go, we now have tickets booked to go to Chang Mai, Thailand. Funny how God works because Thailand has also been a country I have wanted to visit for years. Since childhood, I have heard stories of the Morse family, who went in the early 1900’s, and are still there to this day.
My heart is overflowing with God’s goodness. He knew we were not going to India even before the first meeting. Our team of six is learning to be flexible and to trust God: for His ways are higher than ours. Each day a new problem arises yet we are learning to lean on God. It has not been easy.
Even when the problems are not physically identifiable, there seems to be spiritual blocks when trying to prepare lessons and devotions. Yet, God has shown Himself faithful and will continue to do so. One thing we do know, we will not be able to take credit for anything we do or say as He has made it so clear that we are relying on Him for everything we need and all we are.
I am putting last minute things together and praying with all my heart that I will glorify Him in all I way: whether in word or deed. And I pray my heart remains steadfast.
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  1. > One Man's Junk is Another Man's Treasure
  2. > Good-bye
  3. > Facebook Brunches
  4. > Falling Off My Big Girl Shoes
  5. > Lunatic Christians