They say, “One man’s treasure, another man’s junk”.
While checking out garage sales one Saturday my eyes were drawn to two old chests, each with a five dollar price tag. They were rusted, falling apart and needed some love. The owner could tell I was interested but I told him my husband would kill me for bringing home junk. So he made an irresistible offer: both for five dollars and he would deliver them to my house. To my husband’s dismay, we now had two more ‘pieces of junk’ at our house.
During the next few weeks I noticed three old, decrepit, wood chairs sitting outside three different homes on trash day. I couldn’t resist. In my head were visions of a Victorian style tea party. That led to a search for twenty-five cent treasures at garage sales, in the form of tea pots and tea cups.
My collections were carefully placed in my garden, amidst trees and vines. The displays bring me joy and peace and are noticed by all my friends. The first thing they want to do is sit. However the chairs fall apart to the touch so they are only permitted to look.
When it rains I gently place a tarp over my trunks and chairs. My husband is at a loss as to why I would protect pieces of junk with a tarp worth more than their value. But his junk is my treasure.
I love the greenery and peace of my back yard and my displays lend to the atmosphere of beauty and hospitality. I am grateful the previous owners were unaware that their ‘junk’ would be my ‘treasure’ and bring me such joy.
Sometimes I feel that I have little worth: that year by year my value decreases. But I know I am treasured in God’s eyes as He wouldn’t give His own Son for junk. When it rains He gently covers me with his wings and protects me. I pray He finds beauty and joy in me, just as I find joy in my treasure!