The Madness of Hope

The Randomness of My Life

I’m going to India next week. Or, maybe I will be going toThailand. Not sure yet! Yes, that’s right. I don’t know where I am going. My husband’s visa has been turned down twice to India and he submitted it one more time. If it gets turned down, our team of six decided we would rather stay as a team. He had an earlier trip to Thailand planned and I suggested we all go there instead. It looks now like that will be an option.
Mark brought home a homeless man last week. He is remodeling my kid’s bathroom and is staying in our son’s bedroom. He is a Christian and loves the Lord so much. He even started a bible study for the homeless where he lives and has thirteen attending. My husband decided he could not sit back and not do anything when we have an empty house. He has to ‘practice what he believes’. I agree. However, it is different having a man in the house.
My daughter has fallen in love with a South African! Exactly the thought I ended my post I’m Entrusting My God to a Stranger with. He is the son of my friend she has gone to work with. I will be with her in three weeks when I go to South Africa after India. I cannot wait to see her, my mother-n-law, my childhood friend, and her son.
And my thyroid, which many of you has asked about? The biopsy results came back as suspicious follicular neoplasm and inconclusive as to whether there are any cancer cells. I return from my trip on November 5th and have my thyroid removed on the 11th. I had hoped to have it removed last week so I could stay longer in South Africa but the Doctor would not do it and let me travel.
I am writing a bible study on First Peter for the women at our church. It will be an eight week course and I have eight lectures to prepare also. This is scheduled for January and February. With all going on, it has been hard to stick to studying. November and December are both huge outreach months at our church so I really need to get this done as soon as possible.
God has been laying it on my heart to do women’s conferences in in a few African countries next year. I have contacts in Kenya, Zimbabwe and Ruanda that are very int erested. Africa keeps pulling at my heart.

My emotions are all over the place.
My mind is pretty random right now. Yet, while I may not know what my plans are for tomorrow, God does. He knew beforehand that my life would be where it is right now. He knew years ago where I am going next week, what will happen in every circumstance of my life. He will give me knowledge in the right time. And, in the meantime, "His divine power has given me everything I need for life and godliness through my knowledge of Him who called me by his own glory and goodness." 2 Peter 1:3.

My heart is at peace.

  1. > Long Life
  2. > Wrong and Right Compassion
  3. > Soar Like Eagles
  4. > My Kitchen
  5. > The Team