Last Tuesday I wrote on a home for boys in Walkerville, De Deur, South Africa, just south of Johannesburg. You left so many comments and I have not been able to answer them all. I am still working on some questions: especially on how to donate to this cause.
One of you asked about the possibilities of adoption. I asked and received this answer:
“The boys at the rehab have families, so it is unlikely they would be available for adoption. One of the ten year old boys has a granny who is currently in the court system trying to gain custody of him. His mother is a prostitute and sold him to men for drugs, so there could be option there. However, this young boy has serious issues and has been selling himself to the father of a foster family for favors. He has also sold himself to the other boys at school for snack money etc.
This boy has serious psychological issues because of all this and is going to need a very special family and incredible prayer and deliverance. We know God will heal him. We need a family for him that is very strong.
I will speak to Pastor Danie and ask him to keep us updated as to the progress. He is not in the center due to his special needs.”
Last Tuesday I wrote on a home for boys in Walkerville, De Deur, South Africa, just south of Johannesburg. You left so many comments and I have not been able to answer them all. I am still working on some questions: especially on how to donate to this cause.
One of you asked about the possibilities of adoption. The letter quoted above is the response I received. The possibilities of taking this little boy out of South Africa would be almost impossible.
I learn more of this home as time goes on.
It is run by a Pastor Danie and his wife, Taryn (who is pregnant and due in March). This project is one of absolute faith for provision. Pastor Danie earns very little money, yet they have taken in these boys out of the love of their hearts. My friend, who my daughter has gone to work with, is assisting them in setting up a web site where they can receive donations. For those of you living in South Africa, there are many other items needed and you can find some of this at this web site: http://www.forgood.co.za/Create/Pages/ActivityInfo.aspx?activtyid=435
Our church in California also has a non-profit organization called Lighthouse and have agreed to accept donations and send them on to Eden Wellness Center. Donations will be tax deductible and I will be providing more information on how to donate in the next week.
In the meantime, I ask that you keep this couple in your prayers as they care for these boys. Pray that each boy will recognize how much God loves them and can make something beautiful out of the messes of their little lives.
I leave next week for India and South Africa and hope to have more to share when I return.
In the meantime, hug your little boys tight today and tell them how much you love them. Ask
them to pray for these other boys who do not even have a mother to hug them.
This is what is on my heart today. Link up with On Your Heart Tuesdays to share what is on your heart.