“Don’t worry about the crown. It will come later. Just pick up the bowl and towel.”
That was what I came away with Saturday after putting my daughter into school at Life Pacific College. My baby moved into her dorm and began her first year of college.
The feelings were not so mixed as Adele had spent so much time in Africa over the last year and a half and has been away from us. This college is only fourteen miles from our house!
What I took away with most was this idea/phrase that came out of the President’s speech during lunch. Life Pacific College is purely a Bible College with only two majors: Transformational Ministry and Biblical Studies. While encouraging the new students to study and learn, he said something to the effect of, “Don’t worry about the crown. It will come later. Just pick up the bowl and towel.”
This was a good message to young people going into ministry, often full of ambition and enthusiasm. Yet, it applies to each of us no matter where we are in life.
When we focus on the crown, the glory, and the praise, we have lost sight of what our goal is as servants of Christ. Our goal is to serve with all our heart, soul and mind and body. The praise belongs to God and whether we receive the crown should be irrelevant.
May we serve as anonymous servants. May all we say and do be for His glory alone. Don’t worry about the crown. Just pick up the bowl and towel!
Linking with Titus Tuesday and Soli Deo Gloria,