Have you ever confessed a sin, yet turn around and do it again? Maybe this has happened time and time again?
If so, maybe what is needed is to pray, according to,Psalmist: “Search me, O God, and know my heart. See if there is any wicked way in me.” Then, after you pray, just listen. What does God convict you with? Could it be something we really do not want to confess?
If we confess an addiction to pornography but cannot stop returning to it, maybe we need to attack the root of the problem. Could it be that the lust that keeps us returning results in actions and feelings that are too enjoyable to earnestly desire to leave behind? If so, then lust and wrong pleasures are what we need to confess first.
Or, what if our sin is gossip? Have we confessed gossip over and over again yet continue to do it? What is the root of that problem? Could it be jealousy, pride, hatred or other feelings that have not been confessed? Could it be that we just love sharing bits and pieces of gossip with those who also thrive on this sin? Maybe we enjoy the hateful things we say because it justifies where the heart really is. Or maybe we love to hear more about the situation to fuel our wrongful heart.
I’d like to challenge you to pray Psalm 139:23, “Search me, O God, and know my heart. Test me and know my anxious thoughts. See if there is any offensive way in me.” Then listen. Ask God to reveal to you the root of the problem. And pray that when He does, you will be able to let go, confess the sin, and sincerely desire to leave it behind.
Somehow confessing pride, jealousy, and lust is harder than confessing gossip or pornography. Yet, if we want God to forgive and cleanse us, we must be willing to let Him get to the root of the problem and work
with us there: in our hearts and in our inner most being.
In joining with Multitude on Mondays, I am thankful for:
A loving Father who is so faithful to forgive.
The Spirit who convicts me of my sin so that I can confess.
God's Word: that leads me always back to Him.
Friends and family who love me despite the sin in my life.