This past weekend we had our preview of the Healing Hearts conferences our mission team will be giving in South Africa next month. In reality, it was conference number one.
As the ladies crowded into my living room, cleared of furniture and lined with chairs instead, we began with worship and a reading by Sarah Young. I'd like to share one part of this reading with you:
I rarely heal all the brokenness in a person's life. Even my servant Paul was told, "My grace is sufficient for you," when he sought healing for the thorn in his flesh. Nonetheless, healing is available to those whose lives are intimately interwoven with Mine. Ask, and you will receive."
Life would be so much easier if God would completely heal us of all our brokenness. Why cannot we be completely rid of the pain, the consequences and the struggles of our past, our sin or our circumstances?
I remember when, pregnant with my twins, the placenta separated from the wall of my uterus. To keep from loosing my babies, I was put on complete bed rest for four weeks. On my second day out of bed, the placenta separated again, causing me to return to bed for four more weeks. The Doctors explained to me that, given time, the scar tissue would be stronger than the original tissue and my babies would be safe. I just needed to let the placenta reattach itself and the scar tissue form. That is what happened.
Maybe that is what happens in our brokenness. The scars we bear are what make us stronger in the long run. The healing process is not fun. In fact, sometimes we may spend a life time healing. But we have to trust God that He is healing and, in His time, the scar tissue will form.
It may be in this lifetime. It may be in the next.
We will be made whole.
In the meantime, He will never give us more than we can handle at any one given time.
So we keep trusting and drawing on His strength. For, "His grace is made perfect in weakness."