The Madness of Hope

A Chip Off The Old Block

When people tell me I am a chip off the old block I take that as a compliment. I get my sense of humor from my dad, my gift of hospitality from my mom, and my love for people and adventure from both of them.
However, what I would really love is for people to say is I am a chip off the old block, referring to my Heavenly Father. I want to have a heart like his: to love the lovely and unlovely alike. I want Him to reign over my mouth so that I have only words for praise and building others up. I want my feet to bring good news of Christ to the world.
Isaiah 51:1 reads, “Listen to me, you who pursue righteousness and who seek the Lord; Look to the rock from which you were cut and to the quarry from which you were hewn.”
In context, this verse is referring to Abraham as the founder of the Jewish nation. The Israelites were to remember God’s promise to Abraham and how God had kept his many promises over the years.
I’d like to take a bit of liberty and draw your attention to the forty two times in Scripture that God is called our Rock. He is our salvation and security. He is immovable and He never changes. He has always been a God of mercy, kindness and love.
Much as I strive, I cannot be like my God. I will never be as loving and kind as He. Yet, I would be happy just to be a tiny piece of gravel chiseled off the boulder: just to know that I have been made in His image, having the same characteristics and make up as He.
May I continually seek after the Lord and pursue righteousness. As I look to the Rock from which I was cut, my prayer is that people would see in me, “A Chip off the Ancient Rock”

  1. > A Pause on The Path of Life
  2. > First Time for Everything
  3. > Why Love Hurts
  4. > Are you Wilting or Blooming?
  5. > It's OK to be Different!