Monica, at The Atypical Housewife, has awarded me the Versatile Blogger Award. Thank you, Monica!!!!
According to the rules, I’m supposed to tell you 7 things about myself. I feel like I have already told you so much about myself so will try to think of some extra things! Then I pass the award on to friends. You, in turn, will link your award back to me and follow the instructions again.
1. I have three ‘African American’ children who do not qualify for any ‘African American’ scholarships because they are white. Since I grew up in Africa and have an American passport, and my husband is Zimbabwean, I think that fits the qualifications. Guess you have to be black though! 2. I can’t cry! I realized early in life that crying is one of my migraine triggers and unconsciously trained myself not to cry. 3. I rode an ostrich on my honeymoon. Didn’t last long though as he bucked me off. 4. I used to be a body builder in my mid 20’s. I even trained for the Miss Zimbabwe competition but had to pull out two weeks before the competition. I would have taken second place! 5. My daddy is my hero. He spent years as a missionary in Africa, climbed Kilimanjaro and qualified for Boston at age 65! 6. I’m adventuresome: will travel to (or live) in any country, try any sport and eat any food. 7. My sister talked me into running my first marathon in New Zealand as she lived there. I trained on level ground in Panama. When I showed up for the race, it was an ultra-marathon instead of a marathon (50K) and was on trails through the mountains. But, I finished!!! However, I haven’t trusted my sister since.
Now I am passing this award on to: 1. Laurie Matthews over at Honduras Gumbo 2 Laurie is a missionary in Honduras and writes about a variety of things: life in Honduras, recipes and inspirational thoughts. 2. Tammy at T's Daily Treasures. Tammy lives in Kuwait and travels all over the world. Her blog is full of photos from exotic places, recipes, and inspiring and through provoking quotes. 3. Pam writes at 2 Encourage and 1st Writes. Pam writes inspirational posts and tips on writing. 4. Erin at My Nuggets of Truth, just because Erin never ceases to inspire me.
5. Linda at Grandma's Letters From Africa and Spiritual Memoirs 101. Linda writes about her experiences in Africa as well as advice on writing.