The Madness of Hope


For Five Minute Friday, Gypsymama has asked that we write for five minutes flat with no editing. Her word for this Friday is "Grateful". So... here goes.

Tonight I am grateful for:
A seafood dinner with friends

The sunset on the beach and a city silhouetted against the orange and red of the coming night
Waves crashing on granules of sand
The chilly ocean breeze, blowing hair across my face, causing strands to stick to my lip gloss
A walk along the pier
Sailboats and kayaks
Friendship bathed by grace, acceptance and of the love of Christ. For a unity of heart sand minds
I’m grateful for an evening that left me feeling blessed.

  1. > My Kitchen
  2. > The Team
  3. > Wordless Wednesday
  4. > When God Doesn't Grant Our Desires
  5. > Health of my Daughter