Yesterday, my thoughts escaped to forbidden places. Clarity of thought was broken by imaginations never before able to penetrate my conscious state. It excited me: the thought of tasting of forbidden fruit. For, the excitement of the unknown is as a magnet, the same pull Eve submitted to.
Yet, that fruit remains hanging from its branch, and my soul grown stronger for remaining firm.
The Word has kept me grounded, my roots burrowing deeper into the soil, stretching towards the streams of living water, the source of Life. Remaining there, my leaves will not wither (Psalm 1). For, the righteous will not be uprooted, as promised in Proverbs 10:30.
The battle field for my mind has ceased, for today. My preparations begin for the next attack, as I press on to ‘hide God’s Word in my heart, that I might not sin against the One I love." (Psalm 119:11)