Today, In light of the letter ‘X’, I have to write that I am glad God is in the Xerox business. When he created the earth, the bible tells us that God made man in HIS image. Then, he and said, “It is good.” For it was. But man had a mind of his own and wanted to be more than imitators of God. He used his free will to turn that perfection into envy, lying, murder, adultery and every kind of sin. In so doing, man marred the image of God and thus passed on that damaged likeness to all descendants. So God sent another in his image. He sent his Son: the exact representation of his being (Hebrews 1:3). Jesus pointed us in the direction of God, so as to return to the image of our Maker. Through Christ, we are being created in the image of God, for we are to be holy, as he is holy. We are being transformed into his image (2 Corinthians 3:18). If we are being transformed into the image of Christ, we are becoming more and more like him. The more time we spend in his presence, the more we mirror him. As w e begin to reflect Him, people see in us a bit more of him today than they did yesterday. And tomorrow, our goal is for people to see even more of Christ. Then one day, when we meet him face to face, we will be perfect, exact images of him. Man came out of God’s Xerox machine perfect. But paper crinkles and jams and has a mind of its own. Yet God is patient and works with his paper: until one day, in His timing, we will be transformed into His image.
Today I pray God will iron out my wrinkles (ok, He can do the ones on my face too) and pull me out of the jams I get myself in. I pray that I will cooperate with him so that, today, when people see me, they will see Jesus. And this is the best I can do with ‘X’.