Preparations for Easter include dressier clothes than normally worn, Good Friday services, preparing for visitors, family meals and Easter candy.
I just opened my Facebook page to watch a video posted by an Indian Christian.. This video showed the graphic beatings of those willing to live a life for Christ, some left injured, some tortured to the point of entering the pearly gates. The video is actually a few years old but this Christian went on to say that the government has still not been successful at stopping the persecution, as you can see from the link at the top of my blog. The video is posted below and is hard to watch in it's entirety.
Tears rolled down my face as the heaviness of the persecuted church presses on my mind and heart. Tomorrow many will meet underground and others will openly celebrate the resurrection of Christ. They will not buy new clothes, prepare Easter baskets for their children, nor arrive early to find a parking space on an overly crowded Sunday. They will walk or ride their bikes, hearts maybe a bit fearful, yet resolved in their love and dedication to Christ. They face daily resurrection, bullying, beatings and even death.
Somehow my heart is not in the celebrations anymore. As tears overflow my eyes and stream down my cheeks, I can only pray Psalm 10:17 over these faithful ones.
“Hear, O Lord, the desire of the afflicted;
Encourage them and listen to their cry.
Defend the fatherless and the oppressed,
In order that man, who is of the earth, may terrify no more.”
I, too, am praising God for the resurrection because it means we anticipate the Second Coming.