Every once in a while something happens that floods your mind with memories of the past. Memories of opportunities missed, regrets and mistakes are accompanied with feelings of pain and sadness. Yet some memories make you realize all your life’s work has been worth it. This week I received a Facebook message that read: Greetings, Ms Delaney-Oakley. I am so glad to find you on face book. I was thinking of some of the teachers that impacted my life for Christ in my teenage years, when God brought you back in my memory. Way back in the 80's you were one of my High school teachers at Hatfield Girls High, Harare Zimbabwe. Now am married and have children of my own, and I thank the Lord for you. Remain blessed. This girl knew me when I was a 24 year old teacher in Zimbabwe. I do not remember her, for there were many students in my classes. But I prayed for her, as I prayed for every girl I taught: that God would open up their hearts to Him. I think back on those four years in Zimbabwe. More than half of those kids I worked with have since passed on, mostly from AIDS. But there are several that have reached out in the last few years and found me via Facebook. In two cases I was one of the first people they searched for. Over the years, I have often felt that I do not stay in one place long enough to make a difference. As much as I have enjoyed living in many countries, I cannot look back on years of work in one place to see the fruit of my labor. Yet this week I have been reminded that it is not always the length of time you put into one ministry, but the quality of service, and how you allow God to work through you. Today, I realize that some plant a seed, some water, and some cultivate the seed as it grows and thrives. To be a part of toiling the soil and planting the seeds, I am forever grateful. And I say, “It has all been worth it!”