I have always been determined, zealous and a go getter.
I ran marathons, broke personal records, won awards, and qualified for Boston.
I attacked new countries, cultures and languages with zesto, considering everything move a welcome challenge.
I’ve been energetic, full of grit….untill I moved to California 2 ½ years ago.
Slowly the wind was knocked out of me.
My kids moved on with their lives, made their own choices, not all of which I approved of.
I’ve struggled to discover where I fit in t o the American church, especially a mega church.
I’m at ‘that’ age as well as having my thyroid removed.
I am not really sure what happened but I am tired and it takes so much more effort now than it used to. I vacillate between being excited and determined to follow God’s leading in ministry, and feeling tired. On those days, pulling the covers over my head and hiding in the sheets seems the best option.
Yet, “I will press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.” (Phil 3:14) Because of God’s grace, I have been saved and have an eternal home. Because of the grace He bestows on me daily, I can press on; living each day for Christ and serving Him without growing weary.
Sometimes it just takes determination!
Linked with Emotions on Tuesdays