The Madness of Hope

I Think God Is Bald

Yesterday, while driving to a church service where my dad was to speak, my mom, sister and I decided to practice the African songs we were to sing.

It was fun! Driving in the carpool lane, we were singing at the top of our lungs, reliving old memories and harmonies. I was concentrating on geting that beautiful African tenor!

All the sudden, a few feet ahead of me, stopped on the left hand side of the carpool lane, was a cop. I quickly glanced to my speedomoter and it read 85mph. The speed limit was 65 and I knew I was caught!. The bad part is, I never go that fast.

Ok, so the cop was really nice and kinda cute too... Adele says the bald ones are always nicer. Not sure how she came to that conclusion. Come to think of it, I know alot of really nice, good looking bald men. I had my camera with me and could have asked for his photo but thought maybe that was inappropriate. I think I am getting off subject so I will get back to my story.

I did not ask for mercy. How can you when it is your own fault? I was breaking the law.

When he handed me my ticket he said, "I marked down you were going 79." He didn't say he had actually clocked me going faster but I knew what he meant.

He didn't let me off the hook. That would have been really really nice. But he did lower my speed to where my ticket wouldn't be so expensive. I'm still paying the consequences but he showed some mercy.

God shows me mercy. I still have to pay the consequences but He writes off my debt completely. He is the God of all mercy and compassion. And He is even 'nicer' than that cop.

I wonder if God is bald.

  1. > One Man's Junk is Another Man's Treasure
  2. > Good-bye
  3. > Facebook Brunches
  4. > Falling Off My Big Girl Shoes
  5. > Lunatic Christians